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•• Ponto de Partida:


•• Temas Específicos:

Actividades Controversas
Biologia Sintética
Fome, Subnutrição e Pobreza
Riscos Globais
Riscos para a Agricultura
Riscos para a Economia
Riscos para a Saúde
Riscos para o Ambiente
Riscos para os Consumidores
Riscos para o Terceiro Mundo
Visão Pró-OGM
Zonas Livres de Transgénicos

•• Para saber mais:

Ligações úteis


• Who Benefits from GM Crops? [A mais completa série sobre transgénicos, o seu cultivo e impactos]
An Industry Built on Myths (2011)
The Great Climate Change Swindle (2010)
Feeding the Biotech Giants, not the World’s Poor (2009)
The Rise in Pesticide Use (2008)
An Analysis of the Global Performance of GM Crops from 1996 to 2006 (2007)
Monsanto and the Corporate-driven Genetically Modified Crop Revolution (2006)
Marketing and Cultivation of Genetically Modified (GM) Products in the EU (2011)
The GMO Emperor Has No Clothes (2011)
Buenas Razones para Retirar las Variedades de Maiz MON 810 Cultivadas en España (2011)
Transgênicos Para Quem? Agricultura, Ciência, Sociedade (2011)
Não ao arroz GM nos nossos pratos! (2010)
Os Produtos Transgénicos – Avanços e Recuos – Segurança Alimentar (2010)
Counting the Costs of Genetic Engineering (2010)
Cultivos Transgénicos y Biodiversidad – Impacto Mundial de los Cultivos Modificados Genéticamente (2009)
¿Qué Sabes de los Transgénicos? (2009)
Transgénicos – Impacto Medioambiental y Consecuencias para la Salud (2009)
Impactos Sociales y Económicos de los Transgénicos (2009)
Alimentos Transgénicos – Será Que Precisamos Deles? (2008)
Greenpeace Fact Sheets (2008)
Scientific Evidence Documenting the Negative Impacts of Genetically Modified Foods on Human and Animal Health and the Environment (2008)
Genetically Modified Foods – Renewed Threat to Europe (2008)
Genetic Engineering in Indian Agriculture (2008)
OGM – O que é que se passa? (2007)
Plantas Geneticamente Modificadas – Riscos e Incertezas (2007)
OGM e Agricultura (2007)
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions on Genetic Engineering (2007)
Transgénicos – A Verdade por Trás do Mito (2007)
L’Agriculture de Destruction Massive (2005)
Alimentos Transgénicos (2005)
Genetically Modified Crops – A Decade of Failure [1994/2004] (2004)
Al Grano – Impacto del Maíz Transgénico en Espan_a (2003)
Genetically Modified Organisms – The Technology (2003)
Revista Ar Livre – número especial dedicado aos OGM (2000)
Farmageddon: Food and the Culture of Biotechnology (1999)

Voltar ao topo


• Workshop: Em Busca do Código Secreto da Natureza (pré-primária e primária) (2009)
• Exposição: Agricultura, Alimentação e Ambiente (2008)
• Folheto: Que mal fazem as rações transgénicas? (2012)
• Folheto: Transgénicos? Saber Mais (2012)
• Folheto: Não ao arroz GM nos nossos pratos! (2010)
• Folheto: OGM – O que é que se passa? (2007)
• Folheto: Torne-se um detective OGM! (2005)
• Folheto: OGM: Sabia que… (2004)
• Poster: OGM? Não obrigado! (2005)
• Poster: Cultivo de OGM: Contaminação Legalizada, Agricultores Condenados (2005)
• Poster: Os Transgénicos Ameaçam a Saúde, o Ambiente e a Agricultura (2004)
• Manifesto: Transgénicos? Não, Obrigado! (2008)
formato poster
formato apresentação
formato folheto
formato brochura
• Apresentação: Transgénicos, As Provas que Faltavam (2010)
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formato pdf
• Apresentação: Os 7 Pecados Mortais da Engenharia Genética (2008)
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• Apresentação: O Direito Inalienável de não ser Cobaia (2008)
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• Apresentação: Por uma Região sem Cultivos Transgénicos (2007)
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• Apresentação: O B-a-Ba dos OGM (2007)
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• Apresentação: Health Effects of GMOs – What are the Issues? (2006)
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• Apresentação: GMOs and the Environment – What are the Issues? (2006)
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• Apresentação: Current Shortcomings and Uncertainties in the Risk Assessment of GMOs (2005)
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• Apresentação: GMO-Approval by the EU Commission is not in line with the Precautionary Principle (2005)
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• Apresentação: Portugal e os OGM (2005)
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Understanding the Impact of Genetically Modified Crops in Africa – Activist Handbook (2011)
Understanding the Impact of Genetically Modified Crops in Africa – Activist Handbook (Readings and Resources) (2011)
Encrypting your Email with PGP (2009)
Marketing Wisdom (2007)
Communications Toolkit – A Guide to Navigating Communications for the Nonprofit World (2005)
Action Planning Training Manual (2003)
Strategic Campaign Planning Handouts (2003)
Students for Change Action Manual (2003)
Media Training Manual (2003)
Using the Internet For Outreach and Organizing – A Virtual Activist Training Reader (2002)
Our Food, Whose Choice? Consumers Take Action on Genetically Modified Foods (2000)
Recipe for Strategic Planning – Campaigning, Step-by-Step (2000)
Anyone Can – A Guide to Starting an Environmental Group and Running an Environmental Campaign (1995)

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Actividades Controversas

Le Petit Décontaminateur de Champs d’OGM (2003)
My First Little Book of GM Crop Decontamination (2003)
Handbook for Action – A Guide to Safely Removing Genetically Modified Plants from Release Sites in Britain (1999)

Voltar ao topo


GM Labelling in South Africa – The Law Demystified (2012)
Hazardous Harvest – Genetically Modified Crops in South Africa – 2008-2012 (2012)
Overview of GMO Regulatory Regime in South Africa (2011)
Water Efficient Maize for Africa – Pushing GMO Crops onto Africa (2011)
Heavy Hands – Monsanto’s Control in South Africa (2011)
Understanding the Impact of Genetically Modified Crops in Africa – Activist Handbook (2011)
Understanding the Impact of Genetically Modified Crops in Africa – Activist Handbook (Readings and Resources) (2011)
GM Banana Slips in South Africa – Key Issues and Concerns (2011)
Big Business Drives SA’s Biofuels Programme (2012)
A Case Study of GM Maize Gene Flow in South Africa (2011) AC
Organic Agriculture and Food Security in Africa (2010)
Democratising Agricultural Research for Food Sovereignty in West Africa (2010)
Biopiracy, The Intellectual Property Regime and Livelihoods in Africa (2010)
Synthetic Biology in Africa – Time to Pay Attention (2010)
Africa – Up for Grabs, The Scale and Impact of Land Grabbing for Agrofuels (2010)
The Dirty Politics of the Global Grain Trade – GM Maize Farmers Face Ruin in SA (2010)
The Gates Foundation and Cargill Push Soya Onto Africa (2010)
Who is Biosafety South Africa? (2010)
A Good Neighbour? South Africa Forcing GM Maize onto African Markets and Policy Makers (2010)
From South Africa: ISAAA’s 2009 Report is Fundamentally Flawed (2010)
Food Security: How to Feed Africa (2009)
Africa’s Green Revolution Rolls out the Gene Revolution (2009)
Voices from Africa – African Farmers and Environmentalists Speak out Against a New Green Revolution in Africa (2009)
GMOs in Africa – Food and Agriculture (2007)
Green Revolution 2.0 for Africa? This Time the “Silver Bullet” has a Gun (2007)
Does Africa Need a Genetically Modified Solution to Diarrhea? (2007)
Africa Contaminated by Unapproved GM Rice from the United States (2006)
Can the Poor Help GM Crops? Technology, Representation & Cotton in the Makhathini Flats, South Africa (2006) AC
Genetically Modified Crops in Africa – Implications for Small Farmers (2002)

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Picking Cotton – The Choice Between Organic and Genetically-engineered Cotton for Farmers in South India (2010)
El Fracaso del Algodón Transgénico en Colombia (2010)
Hardy Cotton-Munching Pests Are Latest Blow to GM Crops (2010)
Farmer Suicides and Bt Cotton Nightmare Unfolding in India (2009)
Another Year of Doom – Bt cotton in Andhra Pradesh (2008)
Economic Comparison of Transgenic and Nontransgenic Cotton Production Systems in Georgia (2008)
False Hopes, Festering Failures – Fourth Successive Year of the Study Reconfirms the Failure of Bt Cotton (2006)
A Summary of Research on the Environmental Impacts of Bt cotton in China (2002)

Voltar ao topo


Receitas com Ervas Comestíveis (2011)
Política Nacional para a Agricultura Biológica (2011)
Organic Agriculture and Food Security in Africa (2010)
Biotechnology and Sustainable Development – Findings from the UN-led International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (2010)
Genetic Engineering vs. Organic Farming (2010)
Organic Agriculture – A Guide to Climate Change & Food Security (2010)
Ecological Farming: Drought Resistant Agriculture (2010)
Pancakes From Perennial Wheatgrass Grain (2010)
Securing Future Food – Towards Ecological Food Provision (2010)
Pastures New – A Sustainable Future for Meat and Dairy Farming (2010)
Farmer’s Markets, Coops and Repair Shops — the New Economy (2010)
Smallholder Solutions to Hunger, Poverty and Climate Change (2009)
UK HungerFree Campaign Brief on Sustainable Agriculture (2009)
Agriculture at Crossroads – Food for Survival (2009)
Smart Breeding – Marker-assisted Selection, a Non-invasive Biotechnology Alternative to Genetic Engineering of Plant Varieties (2009)
Organic and Conventional Production Systems in the Wisconsin Integrated Cropping Systems Trial: II. Economic and Risk Analysis 1993–2006 (2009) AC
Food Security and Global Warming – Monsanto Versus Organic (2009)
Saline Agriculture to Feed and Fuel the World (2009)
Science of the Organism & Sustainable Systems – Implications for Agricultural Policies (2009)
The Organic Green Revolution (2008)
Organic Agriculture and Localized Food & Energy Systems for Mitigating Climate Change (2008)
Towards Food Sovereignty – Reclaiming Autonomous Food Systems (2008)
Guide pour une Agriculture Durable, Innovante et sans OGM (2008)
Shattering Myths – Can sustainable agriculture feed the world? (2007)
Organic Agriculture and the Global Food Supply (2007) AC
FAO International Conference on Organic Agriculture and Food Security (2007)
Environmental, Energetic, and Economic Comparisons of Organic and Conventional Farming Systems (2005)
Organic Agriculture – FAO Fact Sheets (2003)
The Case for a GM-free Sustainable World (2003)
Organic Yields (2003)
How Sustainable Agriculture Can Address the Environmental and Human Health Harms of Industrial Agriculture (2002) AC
Agroecología – Bases Científicas para una Agricultura Sustentable (1999)
Do Padrão Moderno à Agricultura Alternativa – Possibilidades de Transição (1999)

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Transgenes in Mexican Maize, Ten Years On – Still not Addressing the Right Questions on Risks (2011)
Transgênicos no Brasil (2011)
Social Human Rights in Argentina – Violations of Human Rights as a Result of the Genetic-Modified Soya-Monocultures (2011)
Report from the 1st National Meeting of Physicians in the Crop-Sprayed Towns (2010)
Syngenta Mata – Transgénicos, Agrotóxicos e Violência (2010)
From Forest To Fork – How Cattle, Soy and Sugar are Destroying Brazil’s Forests and Damaging the Climate (2010)
El Fracaso del Algodón Transgénico en Colombia (2010)
Soy and Agribusiness Expansion in Northwest Argentina – Legalized Deforestation and Community Resistance (2009)
The Round Table on Ir-responsble Soy – certifying soy expansion, GM soy and Agrofuels (2008)
Latin America – The Downside of the GM Revolution (2007)
New Report Links Human Rights Violations in Paraguay to Expansion of GM Soy Crops (2006)
GM Soy Brings Death & Misery to Paraguay (2006)
Paraguay – Socio and Environmental Impacts of Soy Monoculture (2005)
Raising Risk – Field Testing of Genetically Engineered Crops in the United States (2005)
Holes in Biosafety Net – FDA Policy Does Not Assure the Safety of Genetically Engineered Foods (2002)
Record Harvest, Record Hunger – Starving in GE Argentina (2002)

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The Science and Regulation of Food from Genetically Engineered Animals (2011)
Genetically Modified Animals: A Wanted and Unwanted Reality (2011)

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“Golden Lies” – The Seed Industry’s Questionable Golden Rice Project (2012)
Golden Rice’s Lack of Lustre – Addressing Vitamin A Deficiency Without Genetic Engineering (2010)
Arroz Transgénico em Portugal: Riscos de uma Aprovação e Razões para uma Recusa (2010)
Thai Rice Industry at Risk – The Costs of a Possible GE Contamination of Thai Rice (2010)
Bayer Brought to Book for Contaminating Rice (2010)
Unintended Compositional Changes in Transgenic Rice Seeds (Oryza sativa L.) Studied by Spectral and Chromatographic Analysis Coupled with Chemometrics Methods (2010) AC
Yield Benefit and Underlying Cost of Insect-resistance Transgenic Rice – Implication in Breeding and Deploying Transgenic Crops (2010) AC
Não ao arroz GM nos nossos pratos! (2010)
Gene Flow from Genetically Modified Rice to its Wild Relatives – Assessing Potential Ecological Consequences (2009) AC
Ingo Potrykus and Golden Rice – A Profile (2009)
The Campaign for Genetically Modified Rice is at the Crossroads – A Critical Look at Golden Rice after Nearly 10 Years of Development (2009)
Scientists Denounce “unethical” Use of Children in GM Feeding Experiments (2009)
How much evidence does it take for EFSA to admit they are unsure about safety? – The case of genetically modified herbicide resistant rice LL62 (2009)
Bayer’s Double Trouble – When genetically engineered rice meets a toxic pesticide (2009)
Risks of Herbicide-resistant Rice in India – A Review (2008)
GM Rice Contamination – Bt63 from China (2008)
Risky Business – Economic and Regulatory Impacts from the Unintended Release of Genetically Engineered Rice Varieties into the Rice Merchandising System of the US (2007)
Rice Industry in Crisis – Major Rice Markets Close Doors to Genetically Engineered Rice After Contamination of the Global Food Supply Chain (2007)
Objections to the Application Made by Bayer Cropscience in Respect of a Commodity Clearance Application For Event LLrice62 (2006)
Africa Contaminated by Unapproved GM Rice from the United States (2006)
Illegal GE Rice from China – Now Entering Europe’s Food Chain (2006)
GM Rice – a New Threat to our Food Supply (2006)
The Future of Rice – Examining Long Term, Sustainable Solutions for Rice Production (2006)
Fiasco in the Field – An Update on Hybrid Rice in Asia (2005)
Genetically Engineered Rice – Illegal and Unwanted in China (2005)
On Rice, Biodiversity & Nutrients (2005)
All That Glitters is Not Gold – The False Hope of “Golden Rice” (2005)
Rice at risk – Will there be a choice with GE rice? (2004)
Genetically Engineered rice – not sustainable agriculture (2004)
Bayer Request for Placing on the Market Glufosinate Ammonium-tolerant Rice LLRICE62 in Accordance with Articles 5 and 17 of Regulation 1829/2003 GM Food and GM Feed (2004)
Rice Wars (2004)
Rice is Life (2002)
The False Promise of Genetically Engineered Rice (2001)
Genetically Engineered Pro-vitamin A Golden Rice, Fiction vs. Reality (2001)
Grains of Delusion – Golden Rice Seen from the Ground (2001)
Vitamin A – Natural Sources vs. ‘Golden Rice’ (2001)

Voltar ao topo


Problems with the Relatives? Gene Escape from Genetically Engineered (GE) Bt Brinjal Could Create Problem Weeds in South and Southeast Asia (2012)
Every Thirty Minutes – Farmer Suicides, Human Rights and the Agrarian Crisis in India (2011)
Contradictions in the Last Mile – Suicide, Culture, and E-Agriculture in Rural India (2010) AC
Picking Cotton – The Choice Between Organic and Genetically-engineered Cotton for Farmers in South India (2010)
Hardy Cotton-Munching Pests Are Latest Blow to GM Crops (2010)
Farmer Suicides and Bt Cotton Nightmare Unfolding in India (2009)

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Bio-economy versus Biodiversity (2012)
Big Business Drives SA’s Biofuels Programme (2012)
Agrofuel Crops (2010)
Big Oil Goes to College (2010)
The New Biomassters and their Assault on Livelihoods (2010)
Africa – Up for grabs, The scale and impact of land grabbing for agrofuels (2010)
Synthetic Solutions to the Climate Crisis – The Dangers of Synthetic Biology for Biofuels Production (2010)
Wood-Based Bioenergy – The Green Lie (2010)
Meals per Gallon: The Impact of Industrial Biofuels on People and Global Hunger (2010)
Too Green to be True (2010)
The Human Cost of “Super Clean” Sugar Ethanol (2010)
Global Trade and Environmental Impact Study of the EU Biofuels Mandate (2010)
Losing the Plot – The Threats to Community Land and the Rural Poor through the Spread of the Biofuel Jatropha in India (2009)
Turning Off the Pump – A Campaign Guide on How to Campaign Against Biofuels through the Implementation of the EU Renewable Energy Directive (2009)
Can Biofuels be Sustainable by 2020? An Assessment for an Obligatory Blending Target of 10% in the Netherlands (2009)
Food Versus Biofuels – Environmental and Economic Costs (2009) AC
Sustainability as a Smokescreen – The Inadequacy of Certifying Fuels and Feeds (2008)
Sustainable Biofuels – Prospects and Challenges (2008)
The Last Straw (2008)
Sugarcane Ethanol – A Sweet Solution for Europe’s Fuel Addiction? (2008)
Agrofuels and the Myth of the Marginal Lands (2008)
Another Inconvenient Truth – How Biofuel Policies are Deepening Poverty and Accelerating Climate Change (2008)
European Financing of Agrofuel Production in Latin America (2008)
Fuelling Destruction in Latin America – the Real Price of the Drive for Agrofuels (2008)
The Round Table on Ir-responsble Soy – certifying soy expansion, GM soy and Agrofuels (2008)
Fuelling Fear – the Human Cost of Biofuels in Colombia (2008)
Fuelling the Ecological Crisis – Six Examples of Habitat Destruction Driven by Biofuels (2008)
Carbon Mitigation by Biofuels or by Saving and Restoring Forests? (2007) AC
Bio-Fuelling Poverty – Why the EU Renewable-Fuel Target May Be Disastrous for Poor People (2007)
Just a Lot of Hot Air (2007)
The EU’s Agrofuel Folly – Policy Capture by Corporate Interests (2007)
The Road Well Travelled (2007)
The False Promise of Biofuels (2007)
A Lethal Solution (2007)
Biofuel Demand Pushes Up Food Prices (2007)
Biofuels – Is the Cure Worse than the Disease? (2007)
Sustainable Bioenergy – A Framework for Decision Makers (2007)
Agroenergia – Mitos e Impactos na América Latina (2007)
Another Species of Denial (2007)
Agrofuels – Fuelling or Fooling Europe? The Problems of Using Plant-based Oils in Power Stations and Vehicles (2007)
Agroenergia – Mitos e Impactos na América Latina (2007)
Carbon Mitigation by Biofuels or by Saving and Restoring Forests? (2007) AC
Agrofuels – Towards a Reality Check in Nine Key Areas (2007)
An Agricultural Crime Against Humanity (2007)
Agrofuels – Towards a Reality Check in Nine Key Areas (2007)
Biofuels – At what cost? Government Support for Ethanol and Biodiesel in the European Union (2007)
Still Drilling (2006)
We Are All Killers (2006)
Faced with this Crisis (2005)
Worse Than Fossil Fuels (2005)

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Pharm Crops – A Super-disaster in the Making (2005)
A Growing Concern – Protecting the Food Supply in an Era of Pharmaceutical and Industrial Crops (2004)
Biohazards – The Next Generation? Crop Plants that Manufacture Industrial and Pharmaceutical Proteins (2000)

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Biologia Sintética

Synthetic Biology – Mapping the Scientific Landscape (2012) AC
The Sins of Syn Bio (2011)
A Submission to the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) on the Potential Impacts of Synthetic Biology on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity (2011)
The Principles for the Oversight of Synthetic Biology (2011)
Synthetic Biology 101 (2010)
Synthetic Solutions to the Climate Crisis (2010)
Synthetic Biology in Africa – Time to Pay Attention (2010)
Commercializing Synthetic Biology – Socio-ethical Concerns and Challenges Under Intellectual Property Regime (2010) AC
Synthia is Alive … and Breeding – Panacea or Pandora’s Box? (2010)
The Ethical Landscape – Identifying the Right Way to Think about the Ethical and Societal Aspects of Synthetic Biology Research and Products (2009) AC
Commodifying Nature’s Last Straw? Extreme Genetic Engineering and the Post-Petroleum Sugar Economy (2008)
Venter Institute Builds Longest Sequence of Synthetic DNA (That Doesn’t Work) (2008)
Synthetic Biology – Social and Ethical Challenges (2008)
Extreme Genetic Engineering – An Introduction to Synthetic Biology (2007)
Extreme Monopoly – Venter’s Team Makes Vast Patent Grab on Synthetic Genomes (2007)
Synthetic Genomics – Options for Governance (2007)
Synthetics – the Ethics of Synthetic Biology (2007)
Constructing Life – Early Social Reflections on the Emerging Field of Synthetic Biology (2006)

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From Forest To Fork – How Cattle, Soy and Sugar are Destroying Brazil’s Forests and Damaging the Climate (2010)
Synthetic Solutions to the Climate Crisis (2010)
Gene Giants Stockpile Patents on “Climate-ready” Crops in Bid to Become “Biomassters” – Patent Grab Threatens Biodiversity, Food Sovereignty (2010)
The Great Climate Change Swindle (2010)
Benefits of Organic Agriculture as a Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy for Developing Countries (2009)
Smallholder Solutions to Hunger, Poverty and Climate Change (2009)
The International Food System and the Climate Crisis (2009)
Earth Matters – Tackling the Climate Crisis from the Ground Up (2009)
Real Problems, False Solutions (2009)
Food Security and Climate Change: The Answer is Biodiversity (2008)

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Update on Cloning of Animals for Food Production (2011)
Cloned Animals – 2010 Update (2010)
‘Cloned’ Food Animals Not True Clones (2010)
Cloned Farm Animals – A ‘Killing Application’? Risks and Consequences of the Introduction of Cloned Animals for Food Production (2010)
Animal Cloning and Implications for the Food Chain – Findings of Research Among the General Public (2008)
Ethical Aspects of Animal Cloning for Food Supply (2008)
Clones in the Food Chain – They are There, But we don’t Know Where (2008)
Farm Animal Cloning – Public Perceptions of Farm Animal Cloning in Europe (2005)
Cloned Transgenic Cattle Produce Milk with Higher Levels of β-casein and κ-casein (2003)

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Epigenetic Inheritance – What Genes Remember (2009)
Caring Mothers Strike Fatal Blow against Genetic Determinism (2009)
Epigenetic Toxicology (2009)
From Genomics to Epigenomics (2009)
Rewriting the Genetic Text in Human Brain Development (2009)
Darwin’s Pangenesis, the Hidden History of Genetics, & the Dangers of GMOs (2009)
Epigenetics, Transgenic Plants & Risk Assessment (2006)
The Frequency of Silencing in Arabidopsis thaliana Varies Highly Between Progeny of Siblings and can be Influenced by Environmental Factors (2001) AC

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Ethical requirements for the experimental and commercial release of genetically modified plants (2011)
The Dignity of the Lima Bean (2009)
Scientists Denounce “unethical” use of Children in GM Feeding Experiments (2009)
The Dginity of Living Beings with Regard to Plants – Moral Consideration of Plants for their own Sake (2008)
Assessing the Socio-economic, Cultural and Ethical Impacts of GMOs (2008)
Ethical Aspects of Animal Cloning for Food Supply (2008)
Gene Technology and Developing Countries – A Contribution to the Discussion from an Ethical Perspective (2004)
Gene Technology for Food – Ethical Considerations for the Marketing of Genetically Modified Foodstuffs and Animal Feed (2003)
Gene Technology and Ethics in the Plant and Foods Area – Towards an International Convention (2002)

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• Eurobarómetro
73.1 – Europeans and biotechnology in 2010 – Winds of change? (2010)
238 – Risk Issues (2006)
225 – Social values, Science and Tecnology (2005)
224 – Europeans, Science and Technology (2005)
217 – The Attitudes of European Citizens Towards Environment (2005)
64.3 – Europeans and Biotechnology in 2005 (2006)
58.0 – Europeans and Biotechnology in 2002 (2003)
55.2 – Europeans, Science & Technology (2001)
52.1 – The Europeans and biotechnology (2000)
49 – A Segurança dos Produtos Alimentares (1998)
46.1 – The Europeans and Modern Biotechnology (1997)
39.1 – Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering: What europeans think about it in 1993 (1993)
35.1 – Opinions of Europeans on Biotechnology in 1991 (1991)
• ISAAA’s Global Review of Commercialized Transgenic Crops
GM Crop Expansion Limited in 2009 – ISAAA Figures Show Reduced Areas in Seven Countries (2010)
From South Africa: ISAAA’s 2009 report is fundamentally flawed (2010)
2009: 11% Decline in Cultivation of GM Crops in Europe (2010)
Undoing the ISAAA Myths on GM Crops (2009)

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Fome, Subnutrição e Pobreza

The Great Hunger Lottery – How Banking Speculation Causes Food Crises (2010)
Telling Porkies – The Big Fat Lie about Doubling Food Production (2010)
Report of the FAO Expert Meeting on How to Feed the World in 2050 (2009)
Let Them Eat Cash – Can Bill Gates Turn Hunger into Profit? (2009)
Genetic Engineering and Food Sovereignty – Sustainable Agriculture is the Only Option to Feed the World (2009)
GM Nutritionally Enhanced and Altered Crops (2009)
A Billion Hungry People (2009)
UK HungerFree Campaign Brief on Sustainable Agriculture (2009)
The Feeding of the Nine Billion – Global Food Security for the 21st Century (2009)
The Blame Game – Who is Behind the World Food Price Crisis? (2008)
Feeding the World with GM Crops – Myth or Reality? (2008)
Solving the Global Food Crisis (2008)
Fighting Food shortages – Hungry for Change (2008)
Food – Feed the World Without Starving the Planet (2008)
12 Myths About Hunger (2006)
Food Aid or Hidden Dumping? Separating Wheat from Chaff (2005)
Making the World Hungry for GM Crops (2005)
Transgenic Crops to Address Third World Hunger? A Critical Analysis (2005) AC
Sending GMOs to Starving People is Inhuman Aid (2003)
Engineering Nutrition – GM Crops for Global Justice? (2003)
GM Crops – Going Against the Grain (2003)
Who is Getting Fed? (2003)
Feeding or Fooling the World? Can GM Really Feed the Hungry? (2002)
On the Centenary of a Famine – Food Sovereignty (2001)
Receitas Contra a Fome – Histórias de Sucesso para o Futuro da Agricultura (2001)
AstraZeneca and its Genetic Research – Feeding the World or Fuelling Hunger? (1999)
Ten Reasons Why GMOs Won’t Feed the World (1999)

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• Legislação Comunitária
Directiva 2009/41/CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho de 2009/05/06 – Relativa à utilização confinada de microrganismos geneticamente modificados
Decisão 2008/730/CE de 2008/09/16 – Autoriza a colocação no mercado de produtos que contenham, sejam constituídos por, ou produzidos a partir de soja geneticamente modificada A2704-12 (ACS-GMØØ5-3) nos termos do Regulamento (CE) 1829/2003 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho
Directiva 2008/27/CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho de 2008/03/11 – Altera a Directiva 2001/18/CE relativa à libertação deliberada no ambiente de organismos geneticamente modificados, no que diz respeito às competências de execução atribuídas à Comissão
Comunicação COM(2007) 175 final de 2007/04/10 – Comunicação da Comissão ao Conselho, ao Parlamento Europeu, ao Comité Económico e Social Europeu e ao Comité das Regiões relativa à revisão intercalar da Estratégia no Domínio das Ciências da Vida e da Biotecnologia
Comunicação COM(2007) 81 final de 2007/03/05 – Segundo relatório da Comissão ao Conselho e ao Parlamento Europeu sobre a experiência dos Estados-Membros com os OGM colocados no mercado no âmbito da Directiva 2001/18 relativa à libertação deliberada no ambiente de organismos geneticamente modificados
Decisão 2006/335 de 2006/05/08 – Autoriza a República da Polónia a proibir, no seu território, a utilização de dezasseis variedades de milho geneticamente modificadas com a modificação genética MON 810.
Comunicação COM(2005) 286 final de 2005/06/29 – Ciências da Vida e Biotecnologia – Uma Estratégia para a Europa – Terceiro relatório intercalar e orientações futuras
Decisão 2005/463/EC de 2005/06/21 – Estabelece um grupo em rede para o intercâmbio e a coordenação de informações respeitantes à coexistência de culturas geneticamente modificadas, convencionais e biológicas.
Comunicação 2004/C 232 A/01 de 2004/09/17 – Relativa à inscrição de 17 variedades geneticamente modificadas do milho MON 810 no Catálogo Comum de Variedades de Espécies Agrícolas.
Comunicação COM(2004) 575 de 2004/08/31 – Relatório da Comissão ao Conselho e ao Parlamento Europeu sobre a experiência dos Estados-Membros com OGM colocados no mercado no âmbito da Directiva 2001/18 e incorporando um relatório específico sobre a operação das partes B e C da Directiva.
Decisão 2004/643 de 2004/07/19 – Relativa à colocação no mercado, em conformidade com a Directiva 2001/18, de um milho (Zea mays L., linha NK603) geneticamente modificado no respeitante à tolerância ao glifosato.
Directiva 2004/35 de 2004/04/30 – Relativa à responsabilidade ambiental em termos de prevenção e reparação de danos ambientais.
Regulamento 641/2004 de 2004/04/06 – Estabelece regras detalhadas para a implementação do Regulamento 1829/2003 no tocante aos pedidos de autorização de novos alimentos e rações geneticamente modificadas, às notificações de produtos existentes e à presença adventícia e tecnicamente inevitável de material geneticamente modificado que recebeu uma avaliação de risco favorável.
Decisão 2004/204 de 2004/02/23 – Estabelece as regras de funcionamento dos registos, tendo em vista o registo de informações
sobre as modificações genéticas de OGM, previstas na Directiva 2001/18.
Regulamento 65/2004 de 2004/01/14 – Estabelece um sistema para o desenvolvimento e atribuição de identificadores únicos para organismos geneticamente modificados.
Relatório 2003/2098 de 2003/12/04 – Relatório sobre a coexistência de culturas geneticamente modificadas com culturas convencionais e biológicas.
Regulamento 1830/2003 de 2003/09/22 – Relativo à rastreabilidade e rotulagem de organismos geneticamente modificados.
Regulamento 1829/2003 de 2003/09/22 – Relativo a géneros alimentícios e alimentos para animais geneticamente modificados.
Recomendação 2003/556 de 2003/07/23 – Estabelece orientações para a definição de estratégias e normas de boa prática nacionais para garantia da coexistência de culturas geneticamente modificadas com a agricultura convencional e biológica.
Regulamento 1946/2003 de 2003/07/15 – Relativo ao movimento transfronteiriço de organismos geneticamente modificados.
Decisão 2002/623 de 2002/07/24 – Estabelece notas de orientação destinadas a completar o anexo II da Directiva 2001/18.
Directiva 2002/53 de 2002/06/13 – Relativa ao catálogo comum das variedades das espécies de plantas agrícolas.
Directiva 2001/18 de 2001/03/12 – Relativa à libertação deliberada no ambiente de organismos geneticamente modificados.
Directiva 98/44 de 1998/07/06 – Relativa à protecção jurídica das invenções biotecnológicas.
Decisão 98/294 de 1998/04/22 – Relativa à colocação no mercado de milho geneticamente modificado (Zea mays L. da linhagem MON 810).
Decisão 98/293 de 1998/04/22 – Relativa à colocação no mercado de milho geneticamente modificado (Zea mays L. T25)
• Legislação Nacional
Decreto Legislativo Regional 28/2012/A de 2012/06/26 – Regula a utilização de organismos geneticamente modificados e dos produtos deles derivados na Região Autónoma dos Açores.
Decreto Legislativo Regional 15/2010/M de 2010/08/13 – Declara a Região Autónoma da Madeira zona livre de cultivo de variedades de organismos geneticamente modificados.
Portaria 1611/2007 de 2007/12/20 – Altera a Portaria 904/2006, que estabelece as condições e o procedimento para o estabelecimento de zonas livres de cultivo de variedades geneticamente modificadas.
Decreto-Lei 387/2007 de 2007/11/28 – Cria o Fundo de Compensação destinado a suportar eventuais danos, de natureza económica, derivados da contaminação acidental do cultivo de variedades geneticamente modificadas.
Despacho 25306/2007 de 2007/10/19 – Reconhece o estabelecimento da zona livre do cultivo de milho geneticamente modificado que abrange a totalidade da área do concelho de Lagos.
Portaria 904/2006 de 2006/09/04 – Estabelece as condições e o procedimento para o estabelecimento de zonas livres de cultivo de variedades geneticamente modificadas.
Decreto-lei 160/2005 de 2005/09/21 – Regula o cultivo de variedades geneticamente modificadas, visando assegurar a sua coexistência com culturas convencionais e com o modo de produção biológico.
Decreto-lei 102/2005 de 2005/06/23 – Estabelece as regras de execução do Regulamento 1829/2003 relativo a géneros alimentícios e alimentos geneticamente modificados para animais.
Decreto-lei 168/2004 de 2004/07/07 – Estabelece regras de execução do Regulamento CE 1830/2003 relativo à rastreabilidade e rotulagem de organismos geneticamente modificados.
Decreto-lei 164/2004 de 2004/07/03 – Altera o Decreto-Lei 72/2003.
Decreto-lei 154/2004 de 2004/06/30 – Estabelece o regime geral do Catálogo Nacional de Variedades de Espécies Agrícolas e de Espécies Hortícolas.
Decreto-lei 7/2004 de 2004/04/17 – Aprova o Protocolo de Cartagena sobre Segurança Biológica à Convenção sobre a Diversidade Biológica.
Decreto-Lei 72/2003 de 2003/04/10 – Regula a libertação deliberada no ambiente de organismos geneticamente modificados.
Decreto-lei 2/2001 de 2001/01/04 – Regula a utilização confinada de microrganismos geneticamente modificados.

Voltar ao topo


Patents on Seeds – The Turning Point? (2010)
Biopiracy, The Intellectual Property Regime and Livelihoods in Africa (2010)
The Future of Seeds and Food under the Growing Threat of Patents and Market Concentration (2009)
Privatisation du Vivant – Du Refus aux Contre-propositions (2003)
New Enclosures – Alternative Mechanisms to Enhance Corporate Monopoly and BioSerfdom in the 21st Century (2001)
Patents on Animals and Plants – A Contribution to Discussion (2001)
Biopiracy above the Law? European Directive 98/44 Violates Eight International Instruments! (2000)
Patents on Life Break Taboo (2000)
Of Patents and Pirates (2000)
Suicide Seeds, Not Dead Yet! (2000)
Crops and Robbers – Biopiracy and the Patenting of Staple Food Crops (1999)

Voltar ao topo


The Anglerfish Deception (2012)
Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on GMOs in the EU (additional opinion) (2012)
Bio-economy versus Biodiversity (2012)
Heads They Win, Tails We Lose – How Corporations Corrupt Science at the Public’s Expense (2012)
Public Research, Private Gain – Corporate Influence over University Agricultural Research (2012)
The Greed Revolution – Mega Foundations, Agribusiness Muscle in on Public Goods (2012)
The Wheel of Life – Food, Climate, Human Rights, and the Economy (2011)
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Biotechnology and Intensive Farming (2011)
Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Resolution on Genetically Modified Organisms (2011)
Who will control the green economy? (2011)
Food safety for whom? Corporate wealth vs people’s health (2011)
Organised Irresponsibility – Reader about German Rope Teams Involving Corporations, Public Regulators, Business Development and Lobbying for German Genetic Engineering (2011)
Política Nacional para a Agricultura Biológica (2011)
Big Oil Goes to College (2010)
The Anthropology of Genetically Modified Crops (2010) AC
Debate on GMOs Health Risks after Statistical Findings in Regulatory Tests (2010) AC
Biotechnology and Sustainable Development – Findings from the UN-led International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (2010)
Assessing Socio-Economic Impacts of GMOs – Issues to Consider for Policy Development (2010)
Visualizing Consolidation in the Global Seed Industry 1996–2008 (2010) AC
A New Food and Agriculture Policy for the European Union – Position paper on the 2013 Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (2010)
Testbiotech Opinion on EFSA’s Draft Guidance on the Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Plants (2010)
Modelos de Agricultura en Tiempos de Crisis (2010)
Companies Put Restrictions On Research into GM Crops (2010)
No Link Between Animal Feed Crisis and EU Zero Tolerance Policy (2010)
Syngenta Mata – Transgénicos, Agrotóxicos e Violência (2010)
Leading European Food Safety Authority Staff Member Moves into Industry (2010)
Bioscience for Life? Who decides what research is done in health and agriculture? (2010)
• Agriculture at a Crossroads – International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) (2009)
Global Report
Global Report – Summary
Synthesis Report
Synthesis Report – Summary
Issues in Brief – Bioenergy and Biofuels: Opportunities and Constraints
Issues in Brief – Business as usual is not an option: The role of institutions
Issues in Brief – Business as Usual is Not an Option: Trade and Markets
Issues in Brief – Food Security in a Volatile World
Issues in Brief – Food Safety, Plant and Animal Health: Human Health and Sustainability Dimensions
Issues in Brief – Human Health and Nutrition
Issues in Brief – Towards Multifunctional Agriculture for Social, Environmental and Economic Sustainability
Subglobal Report – Central & West Asia & North Africa
Subglobal Report – East & South Asia & the Pacific
Subglobal Report – Latin America & the Caribbean
Subglobal Report – North America & Europe
Subglobal Report – Sub-Saharan Africa
The Genetic Engineering of Food and the Failure of Science – Part 1 – The Development of a Flawed Enterprise (2009) AC
The Genetic Engineering of Food and the Failure of Science – Part 2 – Academic Capitalism and the Loss of Scientific Integrity (2009) AC
The Big GMO Cover-up (2009)
Las Malas Compañías (2009)
Science and the Corporate Agenda – The Detrimental Effects of Commercial Influence on Science and Technology (2009)
GMO Assessment in Norway as Compared to EU Procedures – Societal Utility and Sustainable Development (2009)
Do Seed Companies Control GM Crop Research? (2009)
Undying Promise – Agricultural Biotechnology’s Pro-poor Narrative, Ten Years On (2009)
Off Target – European Commission 2004-2009 Environmental Progress Report & Lessons for the Next Commission (2009)
Crop Scientists Say Biotechnology Seed Companies Are Thwarting Research (2009)
Mission Lepage (2008)
Prevention, Not Profit, Should Drive Pest Management (2008)
Monsanto’s Harvest of Fear (2008)
The European Conference on GM-Free Animal Feed – Quality Production and European Regional Agricultural Strategy (2007)
Regulatory Systems for GE Crops a Failure – The Case of MON863 (2007)
The MON863 Case – a Chronicle of Systematic Deception (2007)
The EU’s Biotechnology Strategy – Mid-term Review or Mid-life Crisis? (2007)
Scientists? Perspectives on the Deliberate Release of GM Crops (2007) AC
Procédures d’Autorisation des OGM – un Match à Domicile pour l’Industrie (2007)
Too Close for Comfort – The Relationship Between the Biotech Industry and the European Commission (2007)
What’s Wrong with an EFSA Opinion (2006)
Hidden Uncertainties – What the European Commission doesn’t want us to know about the risks of GMOs (2006)
Contaminate or Legislate? European Commission Policy on “Coexistence” (2006)
Perverted Science – The Manipulation of GM Research (2006)
Throwing Caution to the Wind – A Review of the European Food Safety Authority and its Work on Genetically Modified Foods and Crops (2004)
Oligopoly, Inc. – Concentration in Corporate Power (2003)
Ciências da Vida e Biotecnologia – Uma Estratégia para a Europa (2002)
Human Individual and Community in the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Resources (2002)
Globalization, Inc. – Concentration in Corporate Power, The Unmentioned Agenda (2001)
Seed Giants – Who Owns Whom? (2000)
Syngenta – Switching off Farmers’ Rights? (2000)
Playing God in the Garden (1998)

Voltar ao topo


• Cultivo Comercial de Transgénicos em Portugal – números oficiais
• Coexistência entre Culturas Geneticamente Modificadas e Outros Modos de Produção – Relatórios oficiais de acompanhamento
• Relatório do Estado do Ambiente
Política Nacional para a Agricultura Biológica (2011)

Voltar ao topo

Riscos Globais

Why GE Field Trials are a Risky (and Expensive) Business (2012)
A Literature Review on the Safety Assessment of Genetically Modified Plants (2011) AC
Training Manual On Risk Assessment Of Living Modified Organisms (Draft) (2010)
Testbiotech Opinion on EFSA’s Draft Guidance on the Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Plants (2010)
Transgene x Environment Interactions in Genetically Modified Wheat (2010) AC
Unintended Compositional Changes in Transgenic Rice Seeds (Oryza sativa L.) Studied by Spectral and Chromatographic Analysis Coupled with Chemometrics Methods (2010) AC
The GM Stacked Gene Revolution – A Biosafety Nightmare (2010)
GM CROPS – Research Documenting the Limitations, Risks, and Alternatives (2010)
Buenas Razones para Retirar las Variedades de Maiz MON 810 Cultivadas en España (2009)
Proteomics as a Complementary Tool for Identifying Unintended Side Effects Occurring in Transgenic Maize Seeds As a Result of Genetic Modifications (2008)
Testing Time for Substantial Equivalence – Daphnia Survival and Fitness Reduced When Fed MON810 (Bt Cry1Ab) Maize (2008)
Scientific Evidence Documenting the Negative Impacts of Genetically Modified Foods on Human and Animal Health and the Environment (2008)
GM is Not the Way to Sustainability (2008)
GM Contamination Register Report (2008)
How Much Bt Toxin do Genetically Engineered MON810 Maize Plants Actually Produce? – Bt Concentration in Field Plants from Germany and Spain (2007)
Risk Assessment of Antibiotic Resistance Marker Genes in Genetically Modified Organisms (2007)
GM Contamination Register Report (2007)
Risk Assessment of “Stacked Events” (2007)
Biosafety First – Holistic Approaches to Risk and Uncertainty in Genetic Engineering and Genetically Modified Organisms (2007)
Extreme Genetic Engineering – An Introduction to Synthetic Biology (2007)
The Pusztais’ Guide to GMOs and Regulation (2006)
Genetically Modified Animal Feed (2006)
Transformation-induced Mutations in Transgenic Plants – Analysis and Biosafety Implications (2006) AC
What’s Wrong with an EFSA Opinion (2006)
Hidden Uncertainties – What the European Commission doesn’t want us to know about the risks of GMOs (2006)
Say No to Suicide Seeds – Terminator Technology threatens farmers, the environment and food security worldwide (2006)
The Mutational Consequences of Plant Transformation (2006) AC
L’agriculture de Destruction Massive – Les Conséquences Sociales et Écologiques de l’Agriculture Intensive (2005)
Making the World Hungry for GM crops (2005)
Risk Underestimated – Interviews with nine scientists on the subject of genetically modified plants (2005)
Genome Scrambling – Myth or Reality? (2004)
OGM, Sécurité, Santé – Ce que la science révèle et qu’on ne nous dit pas (2004)
Seeds of Deception – Exposing Industry and Government Lies about the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You’re Eating (2003)
Unstable Transgenic Lines Illegal (2003)
The Case for a GM-free Sustainable World (2003)
Bt Corn has a Higher Lignin Content than Non-Bt Corn (2001) AC
Biotech’s “Generation 3” (2000)
Who Controls and Who Will Benefit from Plant Genomics? (2000)
Bt – A Short History of Bacillus thuringiensis (1999)
Cauliflower Mosaic Viral Promoter – A Recipe for Disaster? (1999) AC
Precise Precaution Versus Sloppy Science (1999)
How the Terminator terminates – An Explanation for the Non-scientist of a Remarkable Patent for Killing Second Generation Seeds of Crop Plants (1998)

Voltar ao topo

Riscos para a Agricultura

Rounding up the Costs and Benefits of Herbicide Use (2004) AC
A Case Study of GM Maize Gene Flow in South Africa (2011) AC
New Pest in Crop Caused by Large Scale Cultivation of Bt Corn (2010)
Visualizing Consolidation in the Global Seed Industry 1996–2008 (2010) AC
Genetically Engineered Backslide – The Impact of Glyphosate Resistant Palmer Pigweed on Agriculture in The United States (2010)
Yield Benefit and Underlying Cost of Insect-resistance Transgenic Rice – Implication in Breeding and Deploying Transgenic Crops (2010) AC
Syngenta Mata – Transgênicos, Agrotóxicos e Violência (2010)
Hardy Cotton-Munching Pests Are Latest Blow to GM Crops (2010)
Agro-Biotechnology – New plant pest caused by genetically engineered corn (2010)
Glyphosate Resistance in Weeds – The Transgenic Treadmill (2010)
Resistance is Growing – GM Herbicide Tolerant Crops and Resistance in Weeds (2010)
Evidence of Field-evolved Resistance to Cry1Ac-expressing Bt Cotton in Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera – Noctuidae) in Northern China (2009) AC
Glyphosate interactions with physiology, nutrition, and diseases of plants – Threat to agricultural sustainability? (2009) AC
The Magnitude and Impacts of the Biotech and Organic Seed Price Premium (2009)
Testimonies of Contamination – Why Co-existence of GM and Non-GM Crops Remains Impossible (2009)
Out of Hand – Farmers Face the Consequences of a Consolidated Seed Industry (2009)
Influence of Glyphosate-resistant Cropping Systems on Weed Species Shifts and Glyphosate-resistant Weed Populations (2009) AC
Impacts of Genetically Engineered Crops on Pesticide Use – The First Thirteen Years (2009)
Glyphosate Reduced Seed and Leaf Concentrations of Calcium, Manganese, Magnesium, and Iron in Non-glyphosate Resistant Soybean (2009) AC
Glyphosate Effects on Diseases of Plants (2009) AC
Glyphosate Associations with Cereal Diseases Caused by Fusarium spp. in the Canadian Prairies (2009) AC
Gene amplification confers glyphosate resistance in Amaranthus palmeri (2009) AC
Field-Evolved Insect Resistance to Bt Crops – Definition, Theory, and Data (2009) AC
“Transgenic treadmill”: Responses to the Emergence and Spread of Glyphosate-resistant Johnsongrass in Argentina (2009) AC
Failure to Yield – Evaluating the Performance of Genetically Engineered Crops (2009)
Transgenes in Mexican maize: Molecular Evidence and Methodological Considerations for GMO Detection in Landrace Populations (2009) AC
Monsanto’s Harvest of Fear (2008)
Long-Distance Pollen Flow Assessment Through Evaluation of Pollinator Foraging Range Suggests Transgene Escape Distances (2008) AC
La Coexistencia Sigue Siendo Imposible (2008)
Special Threats to the Agroecosystem From the Combination of GE Crops & Glyphosate (2008)
Glyphosate-induced Impairment of Plant Growth and Micronutrient Status in Glyphosate-resistant Soybean (Glycine max L.) (2008) AC
Long-term Persistence of GM Oilseed Rape in the Seedbank (2008)
GM Crops Do Not Yield More – Sometimes Less (2008)
Coexistence of Plants and Coexistence of Farmers – Is an Individual Choice Possible? (2008) AC
Bt Corn in Spain – the Performance of the EU’s First GM Crop (2008) AC
Economic Comparison of Transgenic and Nontransgenic Cotton Production Systems in Georgia (2008) AC
Evolved Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds around the World – Lessons to be Learnt (2008) AC
Farmers’ Guide to Monsanto’s GM Contracts (2007)
Efeitos do Glifosato nas Plantas – Implicações Fisiológicas e Agronômicas (2007)
Transgenic Trees (2007)
Long-distance GM Pollen Movement of Creeping Bentgrass Using Modeled Wind Trajectory Analysis (2007) AC
GM Contamination – Imports of Food and Feed at Risk – Measures Needed to Reduce the Threat (2007)
High Susceptibility of Bt Maize to Aphids Enhances the Performance of Parasitoids of Lepidopteran Pests (2007) AC
Agricultural Deskilling and the Spread of Genetically Modified Cotton in Warangal (2007) AC
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and their Impact on Beekeeping – Facts, Risks, Analytics and Future Developments (2007)
Manganese Nutrition of Glyphosate-Resistant and Conventional Soybeans (2007) AC
First report of Field Resistance by the Stem Borer, Busseola fusca (Fuller) to Bt-transgenic Maize (2007) AC
Rice Industry in Crisis – Major Rice Markets Close Doors to Genetically Engineered Rice After Contamination of the Global Food Supply Chain (2007)
Planting Prejudice – How UK Government Support for GM Undermines Sustainable Farming Policies (2007)
Beekeeper’s Position Paper on GMOs (2007)
La Bombe OGM – Témoignages sur l’Impossible Coexistence des Filières OGM et sans OGM (2007)
GM Contamination: Imports of Food and Feed at Risk – Measures Needed to Reduce the Threat (2007)
La Imposible Coexistencia (2006)
Western Bean Cutworm, Striacosta albicosta (Smith) (Lepidoptera Noctuidae), as a Potential Pest of Transgenic Cry1Ab Bacillus thuringiensis Corn Hybrids in South Dakota (2006) AC
GM Rice – a new Threat to our Food Supply (2006)
Contaminate or Legislate? European Commission Policy on “Coexistence” (2006)
Risk Underestimated – Interviews with Nine Scientists on the Subject of Genetically Modified Plants (2005)
Global Seed Industry Concentration (2005)
Tackling GMO Contamination – Making Segregation and Identity Preservation a Reality (2005)
European GM crop co-existence recommendations legally flawed (2005)
The Myth of Coexistence – Why Transgenic Crops Are Not Compatible With Agroecologically Based Systems of Production (2005)
Global Seed Industry Concentration (2005)
Monsanto vs. U.S. Farmers (2005)
Genetically Engineered Crops and Pesticide Use in the United States – The First Nine Years (2004)
Fitness Costs and Benefits of Novel Herbicide Tolerance in a Noxious Weed (2004) AC
Impacts of Genetically Engineered Crops on Pesticide Use in the United States – The First Eight Years (2003)
GM Crops – Sorting the Wheat from the Chaff (2003)
Concepts for Coexistence (2003)
Scenarios for Co-Existence of Genetically Modified, Conventional and Organic Crops in European Agriculture (2002)
GE Oilseed Rape – Out of Control in Canada (2002)
Seeds of Doubt: North American Farmers’ Experiences with GM Crops (2002)
GMO Contamination around the World (2002)
Genetic Engineering and Organic Farming (2002)
Transgenic DNA Introgressed into Traditional Maize Landraces in Oaxaca, Mexico (2001) AC
Troubled Times Amid Commercial Success for Roundup Ready Soybeans – Glyphosate Efficacy is Slipping and Unstable Transgene Expression Erodes Plant Defenses and Yields (2001)
When Does It Pay To Plant Bt Corn? Farm-Level Economic Impacts of Bt Corn, 1996-2001 (2001)
Evidence of the Magnitude and Consequences of the Roundup Ready Soybean Yield Drag from University-Based Varietal Trials in 1998 (1999)

Voltar ao topo

Riscos para a Economia

The Perils of the Global Soy Trade – Economic, Environmental and Social Impacts (2011)
Economic Impacts of Labelling Thresholds for the Adventitious Presence of Genetically Engineered Organisms in Conventional and Organic Seed (2010)
Implicaciones Socio-económicas de la Introducción de OMGs en el Mercado para su Cultivo (2009)
Impactos Sociales y Económicos de los Transgénicos (2009)
Organic and Conventional Production Systems in the Wisconsin Integrated Cropping Systems Trial: II. Economic and Risk Analysis 1993–2006 (2009) AC
OGM: le Prix à Payer – Les Conséquences Économiques des Cultures OGM sur les Filières sans OGM (2008)
Analyse des Coûts Induits sur les Filières Agricoles par les Mises en Culture d’Organismes Génétiquement Modifiés (2008)
Economic Comparison of Transgenic and Nontransgenic Cotton Production Systems in Georgia (2008) AC
Risky Business – Economic and Regulatory Impacts from the Unintended Release of Genetically Engineered Rice Varieties into the Rice Merchandising System of the US (2007)
False Hopes, Festering Failures – Fourth Successive Year of the Study Reconfirms the Failure of Bt Cotton (2006)
The Economics of Bt Cotton – Whose Interest Does it Really Serve? (2005)
Monsanto & Genetic Engineering – Risks for Investors (2003)
Risky Business – Financial Risks that Genetically Engineered Foods Pose to Kraft Foods, Inc. and Shareholders (2003)
Economic and Environmental Impacts of First Generation Genetically Modifiec Crops – Lessons from the United States (2002)
The Bt Premium Price – What Does It Buy? The Impact of Extra Bt Corn Seed Costs on Farmer Earnings and Corporate Finances (2002)
When Does It Pay To Plant Bt Corn? Farm-Level Economic Impacts of Bt Corn, 1996-2001 (2001)

Voltar ao topo

Riscos para a Saúde

Social Human Rights in Argentina – Violations of Human Rights as a Result of the Genetic-Modified Soya-Monocultures (2011)
Report from the 1st National Meeting of Physicians in the Crop-Sprayed Towns (2010)
Debate on GMOs Health Risks after Statistical Findings in Regulatory Tests (2010) AC
Glyphosate-Based Herbicides Produce Teratogenic Effects on Vertebrates by Impairing Retinoic Acid Signaling (2010) AC
GM Soy – Sustainable? Responsible? (2010)
Fate of Transgenic DNA and Evaluation of Metabolic Effects in Goats Fed Genetically Modified Soybean and in Their Offsprings (2010) AC
The Impact of Dietary Organic and Transgenic Soy on the Reproductive System of Female Adult Rat (2009) AC
Norway Submission on the Identification of Living Modified Organisms or Specific Traits That May Have Adverse Effects on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity, Taking Also Into Account Risks to Human Health (2009)
Report on Animals Exposed to GM Ingredients in Animal Feed (2009)
Glyphosate-based Herbicides are Toxic and Endocrine Disruptors in Human Cell Lines (2009) AC
A Comparison of the Effects of Three GM Corn Varieties on Mammalian Health (2009) AC
A Critique of the European Food Safety Authority’s Opinion on Genetically Modified Maize MON810 (2009)
Roundup – Is it Safe? (2009)
How Subchronic and Chronic Health Effects can be Neglected for GMOs, Pesticides or Chemicals (2009) AC
American Academy of Environmental Medicine Position Paper on Genetically Modified Foods (2009)
Effects on Health and the Environment of Transgenic (or GM) Bt Brinjal (2009)
Health Risks of Genetically Modified Foods (2009) AC
Potential Human Health Risks from Bt Plants (2009)
The Hidden Dangers of Roundup (2009)
Death by Multiple Poisoning, Glyphosate and Roundup (2009)
Glyphosate Formulations Induce Apoptosis and Necrosis in Human Umbilical, Embryonic, and Placental Cells (2009) AC
Immunogenicity of GM peas – Review of Immune Effects in Mice Fed on Genetically Modified Peas and Wider Impacts for GM Risk Assessment (2008)
GM crops – The Health Effects (2008)
Intestinal and Peripheral Immune Response to MON810 Maize Ingestion in Weaning and Old Mice (2008) AC
Characterisation of 30 Transgene Insertion Site and Derived mRNAs in MON810 YieldGard Maize (2008) AC
Shortcomings in the Assessment of Human Health Effects of GM Maize Mon810 by Monsanto (2008)
State of the Science on the Health Risks of GM Foods (2008)
The Problem with Nutritionally Enhanced Plants (2008) AC
A Three Generation Study with Genetically Modified Bt Corn in Rats – Biochemical and Histopathological Investigation (2008) AC
A Long-term Study on Female Mice Fed on a Genetically Modified Soybean – Effects on Liver Ageing (2008) AC
Genetic Engineering & Omitted Health Research (2008)
Report on NK 603 GM Maize Produced by Monsanto Company (2007)
A 90-day safety study in Wistar rats fed genetically modified rice expressing snowdrop lectin Galanthus nivalis (2007) AC
Evaluation of Stress- and Immune-response Biomarkers in Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar L., Fed Different Levels of Genetically Modified Maize (Bt maize), Compared with its Near-isogenic Parental Line and a Commercial Suprex Maize (2007) AC
Nutritional Assessment of Genetically Modified Rapeseed Synthesizing High Amounts of Mid-chain Fatty Acids Including Production Responses of Growing-finishing Pigs (2007) AC
Toxicity Studies of Genetically Modified Plants – A Review of the Published Literature (2007) AC
Glyphosate Toxic & Roundup Worse (2007)
Effect of Foreign (=Not Self) DNA/RNA on the Human Immune System in Regard to Genetically Modified Plants (2007)
Time- and Dose-Dependent Effects of Roundup on Human Embryonic and Placental Cells (2007) AC
New Analysis of a Rat Feeding Study with a Genetically Modified Maize Reveals Signs of Hepatorenal Toxicity (2007) AC
Could GM Foods Cause Allergies? A Critique of Current Allergenicity Testing in the Light of New Research on Transgenic Peas (2006)
Detection of Transgenic and Endogenous Plant DNA in Digesta and Tissues of Sheep and Pigs Fed Roundup Ready Canola Meal (2006) AC
Genetic Engineering and Omitted Health Research – Still No Answers to Ageing Questions (2006)
GMO in Animal Nutrition – Potential Benefits and Risks (2006)
Genetically modified soya bean in rabbit feeding – detection of DNA Fragments and Evaluation of Metabolic Effects by Enzymatic Analysis (2006) AC
Detection of Genetically Modified DNA Sequences in Milk from the Italian Market (2006) AC
Relatório das Evidências Científicas com as Últimas Descobertas Sobre as Medidas de Segurança na Áustria para as Linhagens de Milho Geneticamente Modificado MON810 e T25 (2006)
Temporary Depression of Transcription in Mouse Pre-implantion Embryos from Mice Fed on Genetically Modified Soybean (2006) AC
Genetically Modified Soya Bean in Rabbit Feeding – Detection of DNA Fragments and Evaluation of Metabolic Effects by Enzymatic Analysis (2006) AC
Transgenic Expression of Bean r-Amylase Inhibitor in Peas Results in Altered Structure and Immunogenicity (2005) AC
Detection of RNA Variants Transcribed from the Transgene in Roundup Ready Soybean (2005) AC
Differential Effects of Glyphosate and Roundup on Human Placental Cells and Aromatase (2005) AC
Assessing the Survival of Transgenic Plant DNA in the Human Gastrointestinal Tract (2004) AC
Ultrastructural Analysis of Testes from Mice Fed on Genetically Modified Soybean (2004) AC
In Vivo Studies on Possible Health Consequences of Genetically Modified Food and Feed – With Particular Regard to Ingredients Consisting of Genetically Modified Plant Materials (2003) AC
Detection of Corn Intrinsic and Recombinant DNA Fragments and Cry1Ab Protein in the Gastrointestinal Contents of Pigs Fed Genetically Modified Corn Bt11 (2003) AC
Fine Structural Analyses of Pancreatic Acinar Cell Nuclei from Mice Fed on Genetically Modified Soybean (2003) AC
Codex Guidelines for GM Foods Include the Analysis of Unintended Effects (2003)
Genetically Modified Foods – Potential Human Health Effects (2003)
In Vivo Studies on Possible Health Consequences of Genetically Modified Food and Feed—with Particular Regard to Ingredients Consisting of Genetically Modified Plant Materials (2003) AC
A Different Perspective on GM Food (2002)
Can Science Give us the Tools for Recognizing Possible Health Risks of GM Food? (2002) AC
Ultrastructural Analysis of Pancreatic Acinar Cells from Mice Fed on Genetically Modified Soybean (2002) AC
Ultrastructural Morphometrical and Immunocytochemical Analyses of Hepatocyte Nuclei from Mice Fed on Genetically Modified Soybean (2002) AC
Foreign Dna Integration – Genome-Wide Perturbations of Methylation and Transcription in the Recipient Genomes (2001) AC
An Exploratory Analysis of the Effect of Pesticide Exposure on the Risk of Spontaneous Abortion in an Ontario Farm Population (2001) AC
Great Food Gamble – An Assessment of Genetically Modified Food Safety (2001)
Health Risks of GM Foods – Many Opinions but Few Data (2000) AC
Characterization of the Mucosal and Systemic Immune Response Induced by Cry1Ac Protein from Bacillus thuringiensis HD 73 in Mice (2000) AC
Cry1Ac Protoxin from Bacillus thuringiensis sp. kurstaki HD73 Binds to Surface Proteins in the Mouse Small Intestine (2000) AC
CaMV 35S Promoter Fragmentation Hotspot Confirmed, and it is Active in Animals (2000) AC
Effect of Diets Containing Genetically Modified Potatoes Expressing Galanthus nivalis Lectin on Rat Small Intestine (1999) AC
Bacillus thuringiensisCry1Ac Protoxin is a Potent Systemic and Mucosal Adjuvant (1999) AC
Effect of Diets Containing Genetically Modified Potatoes Expressing Galanthus nivalis lectin on Rat Small Intestine (1999) AC
Insertion of Foreign DNA into an Established Mammalian Genome Can Alter the Methylation of Cellular DNA Sequences (1999) AC
Fine Structural Changes in the Ileum of Mice Fed on δ Endotoxin-Treated Potatoes and Transgenic Potatoes (1998) AC
Manual for Assessing Ecological and Human Health Effects of Genetically Engineered Organisms (1998)
Integration of Foreign DNA into Mammalian Genome can be Associated with Hypomethylation at Site of Insertion (1988) AC

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Riscos para o Ambiente

The German Ban on GM Maize MON810 – Scientifically Justified or Unjustified? (2012) AC
Problems with the Relatives? Gene Escape from Genetically Engineered (GE) Bt Brinjal Could Create Problem Weeds in South and Southeast Asia (2012)
Environmental and Ecological Aspects of First Generation Genetically Modified Crops Regarding Their Impacts in a European Maize Producer Country (2012) AC
Transgenes in Mexican Maize, Ten Years On – Still not Addressing the Right Questions on Risks (2011)
The Perils of the Global Soy Trade – Economic, Environmental and Social Impacts (2011)
Glyphosate-Based Herbicides Produce Teratogenic Effects on Vertebrates by Impairing Retinoic Acid Signaling (2010) AC
From Forest To Fork – How Cattle, Soy and Sugar are Destroying Brazil’s Forests and Damaging the Climate (2010)
Occurrence of Maize Detritus and a Transgenic Insecticidal Protein (Cry1Ab) Within the Stream Network of an Agricultural Landscape (2010) AC
GM Soy – Sustainable? Responsible? (2010)
Synergistic Effects of Glyphosate Formulation and Parasite Infection on Fish Malformations and Survival (2010) AC
Norway Submission on the Identification of Living Modified Organisms or Specific Traits That May Have Adverse Effects on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity, Taking Also Into Account Risks to Human Health (2009)
Glyphosate in the Rhizosphere — Role of Waiting Times and Different Glyphosate Binding Forms in Soils for Phytotoxicity to Non-target Plants (2009) AC
Glyphosate and Glyphosate-resistant Crop Interactions with Rhizosphere Microorganisms (2009) AC
Gene Flow from Genetically Modified Rice to its Wild Relatives – Assessing Potential Ecological Consequences (2009) AC
Detection of Transgenic cp4 epsps Genes in the Soil Food Web (2009) AC
A Critique of the European Food Safety Authority’s Opinion on Genetically Modified Maize MON810 (2009)
Asymmetrical Cross-resistance Between Bacillus thuringiensis Toxins Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab in Pink Bollworm (2009) AC
Risk Assessment of Toxins Derived from Bacillus thuringiensis — Synergism, Efficacy, and Selectivity (2009) AC
Transgenic Insecticidal Crops and Natural Enemies – A Detailed Review of Laboratory Studies (2009) AC
GM Insect-Resistant (Bt) Maize in Europe – A Growing Threat to Wildlife and Agriculture (2009)
Transgenes in Mexican Maize: Molecular Evidence and Methodological Considerations for GMO Detection in Landrace Populations (2009) AC
Sustainability as a Smokescreen – The Inadequacy of Certifying Fuels and Feeds (2008)
Impacts Environnementaux des Plantes Bt – Résumé (2008)
Cultures Transgéniques Bt et Abeilles (2008)
Occurrence of the Transgenic Corn cry1Ab Gene in Freshwater Mussels (Elliptio complanata) Near Corn Fields – Evidence of Exposure by Bacterial Ingestion (2008) AC
Effects of Activated Bt Transgene Products (Cry1Ab, Cry3Bb) on Immature Stages of the Ladybird Adalia bipunctata in Laboratory Ecotoxicity Testing (2008) AC
Transgenic Bt-Cotton Affects Enzyme Activity and Nutrient Availability in a Sub-Tropical Inceptisol (2008) AC
Insect Resistance to Bt Crops – Evidence Versus Theory (2008) AC
• Avis sur la dissémination du MON810 sur le territoire français (2008)
Tradução portuguesa: Opinião sobre a Disseminação do MON810 em Território Francês
Original em francês
Conjunto de artigos citados
Do Escaped Transgenes Persist in Nature? The Case of an Herbicide Resistance Transgene in a Weedy Brassica rapa Population (2008) AC
Does Cry1Ab Protein Affect Learning Performances of the Honey Bee Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera, Apidae)? (2008) AC
Reduced Fitness of Daphnia magna Fed a Bt-Transgenic Maize Variety (2008) AC
Effects of Transgenic Corn and Cry1Ab Protein on the Nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans (2008) AC
Escape and Establishment of Transgenic Glyphosate-Resistant Creeping Bentgrass Agrostis stolonifera in Oregon, USA – a 4-year Study (2008) AC
Gene Flow from Glyphosate-Resistant Crops (2008) AC
Do Escaped Transgenes Persist in Nature? The Case of an Herbicide Resistance Transgene in a Weedy Brassica rapa Population (2007) AC
Review of Potential Environmental Impacts of Transgenic Glyphosate-resistant Soy Bean in Brazil (2007) AC
Bt-Plants and Non-target Effects with Special Reference To Honey Bees (2007)
Bt Transgenic Maize Pollen and the Silent Poisoning of the Hive (2007) AC
Bt-Plants and Non-Target Effects with Special Reference to Honey Bees (2007)
Bt-plants as a Potential Contributing Factor to Colony Collapse Disorder (2007)
A Meta-Analysis of Effects of Bt Cotton and Maize on Nontarget Invertebrates (2007) AC
Toxins in Transgenic Crop Byproducts May Affect Headwater Stream Ecosystems (2007) AC
Árvores Geneticamente Modificadas – A Ameaça Definitiva para as Florestas (2006)
Contaminating the Wild? Gene Flow from Experimental Field Trials of Genetically Engineered Crops to Related Wild Plants (2006)
Another View on Bt Proteins – How Specific are They and What Else Might They Do? (2006) AC
Peer-reviewed scientific studies on the probable harmful effects to the environment from the cultivation of MON810 (2006)
The Effects of Pollen Consumption of Transgenic Bt Maize on the Common Swallowtail, Papilio machaon L. (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) (2006) AC
Toxin in GM Maize – New Research Reveals Risks of Bt Maize Grown in Europe (2006)
Relatório das Evidências Científicas com as Últimas Descobertas Sobre as Medidas de Segurança na Áustria para as Linhagens de Milho Geneticamente Modificado MON810 e T25 (2006)
Non-target and Biodiversity Risk Assessment for Genetically Modified (GM) Crops (2006) AC
Weed Seed Resources for Birds in Fields with Contrasting Conventional and Genetically Modified Herbicide-Tolerant Crops (2006) AC
Non-target Microorganisms Affected in the Rhizosphere of the Transgenic Bt Corn (2006)
Environmental Risks of Genetic Engineering (2006) AC
Relevance of Glyphosate Transfer to Non-target Plants via the Rhizosphere (2006) AC
The Impact of Transgenic Plants on Natural Enemies – A Critical Review of Laboratory Studies (2005) AC
Ecological Effects of Genetically Modified Maize with Insect Resistance and/or Herbicide Tolerance (2005)
Effects of Transgenic Bt Corn Litter on the Earthworm Lumbricus terrestris (2003) AC
Impacts of Genetically Engineered Crops on Pesticide Use in the United States – The First Eight Years (2003)
Possible Effects of (Trans)Gene Flow from Crops on the Genetic Diversity from Landraces and Wild Relatives (2003) AC
Influence of Insecticidal Toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki on the Degradation of Glyphosate and Glufosinate-ammonium in Soil Samples (2003) AC
Economic and Environmental Impacts of First Generation Genetically Modifiec Crops – Lessons from the United States (2002)
Ecological Impact of GMO Dissemination in Agro-Ecosystems (2002)
Bt Toxin is Released in Root Exudates from 12 Transgenic Corn Hybrids Representing Three Transformation Events (2002) AC
Gene Stacking in Herbicide Tolerant Oilseed Rape – Lessons From the North American Experience (2002)
Effects of Ingestion of a Bacillus thuringiensis Toxin and a Trypsin Inhibitor on Honey Bee Flight Activity and Longevity (2001) AC
Ecological Risks and Benefits of Transgenic Plants (2001) AC
Monarch Larvae Sensitivity to Bacillus thuringiensis-purified Proteins and Pollen (2001) AC
Effects of Exposure to Event 176 Bacillus thuringiensis Corn Pollen on Monarch and Black Swallowtail Caterpillars Under Field Conditions (2001) AC
Ecology of Transgenic Crops (2001) AC
Transgenic DNA Introgressed into Traditional Maize Landraces in Oaxaca, Mexico (2001) AC
The Ecological Risks and Benefits of Genetically Engineered Plants (2000) AC
Review on non-target organisms and Bt-plants (2000)
Leaking From The Lab? The ‘Contained’ Use of Genetically Modified Micro-organisms in the UK (1999)
Tri-trophic Interactions Involving Pest Aphids, Predatory 2-spot Ladybirds and Transgenic Potatoes Expressing Snowdrop Lectin for Aphid Resistance (1999)
Prey-mediated Effects of Cry1Ab Toxin and Protoxin and Cry2A Protoxin on the Predator Chrysoperla carnea (1999) AC
Manual for Assessing Ecological and Human Health Effects of Genetically Engineered Organisms (1998)

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Riscos para o Terceiro Mundo

Hazardous Harvest – Genetically Modified Crops in South Africa – 2008-2012 (2012)
Water Efficient Maize for Africa – Pushing GMO Crops onto Africa (2011)
Heavy Hands – Monsanto’s Control in South Africa (2011)
Understanding the Impact of Genetically Modified Crops in Africa – Activist Handbook (2011)
Understanding the Impact of Genetically Modified Crops in Africa – Activist Handbook (Readings and Resources) (2011)
Golden Rice’s Lack of Lustre – Addressing Vitamin A Deficiency Without Genetic Engineering (2010)
Is Bt Cotton a Pro-Poor Technology? A Review and Critique of the Empirical Record (2010) AC
Thirteen Reasons Why the Roundtable On Responsible Soy Will Not Provide Responsible or Sustainable Soya Bean Production (2010)
Soy and Agribusiness Expansion in Northwest Argentina – Legalized Deforestation and Community Resistance (2009)
Farmer Suicides and Bt Cotton Nightmare Unfolding in India (2009)
Genetic Engineering and Food Sovereignty – Sustainable Agriculture is the Only Option to Feed the World (2009)
The Campaign for Genetically Modified Rice is at the Crossroads – A Critical Look at Golden Rice after Nearly 10 Years of Development (2009)
Scientists Denounce “unethical” Use of Children in GM Feeding Experiments (2009)
The Round Table on Ir-responsble Soy – certifying soy expansion, GM soy and Agrofuels (2008)
GM Soy Brings Death & Misery to Paraguay (2006)
Can the Poor Help GM Crops? Technology, Representation & Cotton in the Makhathini Flats, South Africa (2006) AC
All That Glitters is Not Gold – The False Hope of “Golden Rice” (2005)
Paraguay – Socio and Environmental Impacts of Soy Monoculture (2005)

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Riscos para os Consumidores

The Perils of the Global Soy Trade – Economic, Environmental and Social Impacts (2011)
USA No GMO Guide (2010)
Impactos Sociales y Económicos de los Transgénicos (2009)
Implicaciones Socio-económicas de la Introducción de OMGs en el Mercado para su Cultivo (2009)
Silent Invasion – The Hidden Use of GM Crops in Livestock Feed (2007)
Transgénicos y Alimentación – Nuestra Comida Contaminada (2007)
Four Questions on European Consumers’ Attitudes Toward the Use of 4 Genetic Modification in Food Production (2003) AC

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Australia’s Wheat Scandal (2011)
Spliced Bread – The Threat of Genetically Engineered Wheat in Australia (2010)
Farmer Knowledge and a priori Risk Analysis – Pre-release Evaluation of Genetically Modified Roundup Ready Wheat Across the Canadian Prairies (2009) AC
Environmental Safety Assessment of Roundup Ready Wheat – Risks for Direct Seeding Systems in Western Canada (2003)
Market Risks of Genetically Modified Wheat (2003)
Against the Grain – The Threat of Genetically Engineered Wheat (2002)
Agronomic Assessment of RoundUp Ready Wheat (2002)

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Visão Pró-OGM

Celebrating Earth Day 2012 (2012)
Pocket Guide to GM Crops and Policies (2011)
Unleashing the Promise of Biotechnology (2011)
The Benefits of Biotechnology – Scientific Assessments of Agricultural Biotechnology’s Role in a Safer, Healthier World (2009)
Transgénicos: Coragem ou Hipocrisia? (2009)
Helping Increase Global Food Production (2009)
Agricultural Biotechnology (2009)
O Que Você Precisa Saber Sobre Transgénicos (2009)
Guia do Milho – Tecnologia do Campo à Mesa (2009)
Focus on Yield (2008)
Helping Increase Crop Yields for America’s Farmers (2008)
Transgênicos – Você Tem Direito de Conhecer (2004)

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Zonas Livres de Transgénicos

GM-Free Production — A Unique Selling Point for Ireland, the Food Island (2009)
OGM et Collectivités Locales, Comprendre et Agir – Guide Pratique à Destination des Élus Locaux (2009)
Zonas Livres de Transgénicos: o Imperativo Natural (2007)
GMO-Free Regions Manual – Case Studies from Around the World (2007)
GMO Free Zones in Europe (2006)
Zonas Livres de Transgénicos: um Pequeno Guia sobre a Situação Europeia e Opções Disponíveis para o Poder Local (2004)
• Declarações de municípios portugueses
Declaração de Rio Maior (2007)
Segunda declaração de Aljezur (2007)
Declaração de Arouca (2006)
Declaração de Lagos (2006)
Declaração da Moita (2006)
Declaração de Valença (2006)
Declaração de Alenquer (2006)
Declaração de Odemira (2005)
Primeira declaração de Aljezur (2005)
Declaração do Cadaval (2005)
Declaração de Soure (2005)
Florence Charter of the European GMO Free Regional Network (2005)

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Ligações úteis

• Agricultura sustentável
Centre for Information on Low External Input and Sustainable Agriculture
Community Alliance with Family Farmers
Farming Solutions
Garden Organic
Irish Seed Savers Association
Kitchen Gardeners
Kokopelli Semences
Permaculture Association
Seed Saving
Soil Association
• Associações
Alliance for Bio-Integrity
Amis de la Terre France
Centro de Asesoría y Estudios Sociales
Confédération Paysanne
Consumers International
Council for Responsible Genetics
Crii-Gen – Comité de Recherche et d’Information Indépendantes sur le Génie Genétique
Ecologistas en acción
Edmonds Institute
ETC – Action Group on Erosion, Technology, and Concentration
Friends of the Earth Europe
GM Watch
Greenpeace Brasil
Greenpeace Europe
Greenpeace España
Greenpeace International
IFOAM – International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements
Institute for Responsible Technology
Institute of Science in Society
Network of Concerned Farmers
Norfolk Genetic Information Network
Plataforma Transgènics Fora!
UK Food Group
• Campanhas
Devinder Sharma, um dos mais lúcidos comentadores sobre OGM
Em Pratos Limpos – Tudo (quase) sobre o que se passa no Brasil
European Conference on GMO free agriculture, biodiversity and rural development – Toda a informação sobre Zonas Livres
European GMO-Free Regions, by country – Os mapas com todas as zonas livres europeias
GE Food Alert tem as novidades principais, vistas do continente americano
Gene Campaign da Índia, com toda a força da maior democracia do mundo
GenetiX Snowball – Acção civil não violenta
GM Contamination Register – Quando as coisas correm mal… fica aqui registado
Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Application of Science and Technology – Linguagem científica que todos entendem
SOS Save our Seeds – De uma petição ao direito a guardar sementes não contaminadas
– A campanha contra as sementes Terminator
• Defensores da engenharia genética
AgBio World
Centro de Informação de Biotecnologia
Council for Biotechnology Information
Golden Rice
Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture
• Empresas
Biotechnology Industry Organization, associação de empresas de engenharia genética e biotecnologia
EuropaBio, associação europeia de empresas de engenharia genética e biotecnologia
• Internacional
– O Protocolo de Cartagena sobre biossegurança
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Codex Alimentarius
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
United Nations (UN)
World Health Organization (WHO)
• Plataforma Transgénicos Fora – Entidades participantes
AGROBIO, Associação Portuguesa de Agricultura Biológica
Campo Aberto, Associação de Defesa do Ambiente
CNA, Confederação Nacional da Agricultura
– Colher para Semear, Rede Portuguesa de Variedades Tradicionais
FAPAS, Fundo para a Protecção dos Animais Selvagens
GAIA, Grupo de Acção e Intervenção Ambiental
GEOTA, Grupo de Estudos de Ordenamento do Território e Ambiente
Associação IN LOCO
LPN, Liga para a Protecção da Natureza
MPI, Movimento Pró-Informação para a Cidadania e Ambiente
QUERCUS, Associação Nacional de Conservação da Natureza
• Portugal
Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente
Anpromis, a Associação Nacional dos Produtores de Milho e Sorgo
Autoridade de Segurança Alimentar e Económica
Direcção Geral de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural
Plataforma Transgénicos Fora
• Recursos
AgBios, uma base de dados sobre OGM e suas características
Belgian Biosafety Server, um bom local para procurar legislação
FDA & Bioengineered Foods tem a lista dos OGM comercializados nos EUA
Genetech é um bom sítio para fazer buscas de notícias
International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology é o local ideal para procurar artigos científicos
Indymedia – Notícias sem censura
Inf’OGM – Boletim mensal em francês totalmente dedicado aos OGM
ISAAA – As estatísticas globais, vistas pelos olhos da indústria
US Federal Government – O que diz o governo americano sobre OGM
• União Europeia
Biotechnology (Secretariat General)
Biotechnology (DG Environment)
Biotechnology & GMOs Information Center
Community register of GM Food & Feed
European Food Safety Authority
European Group on Life Sciences
European Network of GMO Laboratories
GM Food & Feed (DG Health and Consumer Protection)
Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies

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