O DNA transgénico aparece no leite

O DNA transgénico aparece no leite

Foi publicado numa revista científica um estudo (de que incluímos aqui o resumo) que mostra algo cuja possibilidade era até agora negada pelos defensores de transgénicos: o DNA das plantas transgénicas aparece no leite das vacas que foram alimentadas com essas rações. Por isso somos também consumidores directos de tais ‘invenções’ quando consumimos leite. Que consequências é que este dado novo acarreta para a saúde humana? Ninguém sabe… porque essas experiências nunca foram feitas. Mas as experiências não deviam ser feitas antes de os transgénicos serem aprovados? Ou as cobaias somos todos nós? […]

O artigo:

International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
Volume 209, Issue 1 , 10 January 2006, Pages 81-88

Copyright © 2005 Elsevier GmbH All rights reserved.
Detection of genetically modified DNA sequences in milk from The Italian market
Antonella Agodia, Martina Barchittaa, Agata Grillob and Salvatore Sciaccac
Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Catania, Via S. Sofia n. 87, 95123 Catania, Italy
Labogen s.a.s., Catania, Italy
Department G.F. Ingrassia University of Catania, Italy

Received 20 May 2005; revised 27 July 2005; accepted 14 August 2005. Available online 29 September 2005.

The possible transfer and accumulation of novel DNA and/or proteins in food for human consumption derived from animals receiving genetically modified (GM) feed is at present the object of scientific dispute. A number of studies failed to identify GM DNA in milk, meat, or eggs derived from livestock receiving GM feed ingredients. The present study was performed in order to: (i) develop a valid protocol by PCR and multicomponent analysis for the detection of specific DNA sequences in milk, focused on GM maize and GM soybean; (ii) assess the stability of transgenic DNA after pasteurization treatment and (iii) determine the presence of GM DNA sequences in milk samples collected from the Italian market. Results from the screening of 60 samples of 12 different milk brands demonstrated the presence of GM maize sequences in 15 (25%) and of GM soybean sequences in 7 samples (11.7%). Our screening methodology shows a very high sensitivity and the use of an automatic identification of the amplified products increases its specificity and reliability.
Moreover, we demonstrated that the pasteurization process is not able to degrade the DNA sequences in spiked milk samples. The detection of GM DNA in milk can be interpreted as an indicator of fecal or airborne contamination, respectively, with feed DNA or feed particles, although an alternative source of contamination, possibly recognizable in the natural environment can be suggested. Further studies, performed on a larger number of milk samples, are needed to understand the likely source of contamination of milk collected from the Italian market.
Keywords: Genetically modified DNA; Milk; PCR
Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 095 3782076; fax: +39 095 3782158.

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